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LA'Brea A.

Chicken Sold in Fast Food Places

Now, who doesn't love fried chicken when it's fried the right way, and seasoned just right? Fried chicken has been around for a very long time; too many years to try to count. Home fried chicken is the best in my opinion; you never have to worry about it being cooked in old grease and being seasoned wrong. Fried chicken is something that goes well with something, or it is good by itself. I don't know why but fried chicken tastes really well when it is cooked on Sundays. I guess it is the time when family and friends come together to have a good time, eat, and share stories; not only that but to make memories to share always.

Chicken is sold everywhere. Chicken sold in fast food places isn't always good, and it's not always prepared properly, and sometimes it's not seasoned, and then when it is, it's seasoned with too much seasoning. Everyone who cooks chicken in a fast-food place can't cook. I can say this because I have experienced bad service before. I have bought chicken that felt hot, but was reheated and dried out. I have bought chicken that wasn't cooked all of the way through that I had to take back to the place I purchased it from. I have placed orders only to have my orders prepared wrong by the person preparing it. I have purchased chicken that was cooked in old grease and the chicken was very dark. I must say that there are some places where chicken is fried and it is done the right way.


Fried chicken sandwiches are good. I like mine with everything. There's a restaurant I like to go to every once in a while, and get their chicken sandwich. They have it fixed just right. The chicken is juicy and flavorful. The bread they use is soft and buttery; it holds together very well. I am glad it is in the neighborhood close to where I live. I can't say that about a lot of other chicken places, but the best chicken sandwich to make is your very own in your own kitchen. A year ago, I thought about the chicken sandwich I had and bought the ingredients. I made my own, and it was delicious. I didn't have the same bread, but the bread I used was sweet to the taste, and it held up well when all of the fixings were added to it. I was so proud of the chicken sandwich I made. I am thinking about fixing it again and taking a picture of it just for memories and to share.

Looking at these baskets of chicken is making me want some fried chicken; although I just had some recently; but fried chicken never gets old. I never get tired of eating it. I especially like having it with greens and hot water cornbread and mashed potatoes. Now, that's some good eating right there. I can talk about chicken all night long, but I am going to save some of my ideas about fried chicken for another day. I hope you have enjoyed reding his article on fried chicken. Are you hungry yet? If you are, have a piece of fried chicken and enjoy it. Until next time, keep the grease hot.

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