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LA'Brea A.


Sadness comes in waves like water crashing against the rocks on a seashore all alone in silence. It surprises them unexpectedly leaving heartsickness behind.

Living in the moment in silence and shock leaves the heart heavy with displays of emotions that the heart cannot understand. The eyes see the tears that want to fall but the heart will not let them.

Looking around in silence emotions began to flow like a river running and churning like the ocean-deep tidal wave turning over everything in its path. Is destruction there? Yes, it is, but the hands will not move without the brain giving them permission.

What is it that makes some want to hurt others just because they can? What does it profit them?

Like the sun setting in the background after a long day of shining, it will leave us wondering if it will shine tomorrow. Nevertheless, time moves onward to the next day as the sun rises again bringing smiles and laughter to a better tomorrow.

Things may be different just as in any new place no one has ever been before, but adaptation is alright as long as it is liveable. Peace and harmony take over the heartsickness and everything is alright again.

Where do the feelings go from here? Do they move on, or are they just lingering beneath the surface of our hearts, or on the distant corners of our psyches, our mentalities?

Devastation, havoc, and turmoil aren’t good for anyone, but there are those who enjoy stomping on the necks of those who struggle.

Be that as it may, the heart will mend, but the brain never forgets the thing or things that hurt it.


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