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LA'Brea A.

Not Defined by Your Past

Everyone has a past, present, and future. We all have said and done things that we are not proud of. No one is perfect on this earth, but some seem to think they are. Some judge others by their past mistakes, blunders, and errors, but what about them? What about the things they have done in their lives that were not good? What about the wrong decisions they made, is anyone saying anything about their past?

We are not defined by our past. We learn from our mistakes and move on from them. No one has the right to judge anyone because that is not our place to do that. We do not have the right to do that. We are to accept people for who they are, not for what they do or did.

People are so quick to judge others to the point that it can cause a person to give up on themselves. They believe that they are not good enough for anything, or anyone. They feel like their life has no purpose, or objective to keep moving forward. They start to have a negative outlook on life.

People don't realize how words damage feelings, a person‘s way of thinking of themselves. They don't realize how words can scar someone for life.

For as long as there are people who think that they are better than others, and who feel like they have the right to judge others, there will always be judgment from them towards others. We are not defined by our past. It is not who we are. Everyone deserves to be forgiven for the things they have done. No one has the right to hold a person’s past over their head like an umbrella so they won’t forget it.

Everyone wants to be accepted. Everyone deserves to live happily without ridicule and judgment from anyone.

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