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LA'Brea A.

Health and Fitness in the Workplace: Advice Column

Updated: Feb 13, 2023

The Importance of Being Healthy and Staying Healthy: The importance of being healthy and staying healthy is something we all should strive for every day. Even if it's doing one small thing. Weighing yourself on a scale to watch your weight, and becoming healthy takes a lot of hard work and focus to stay on the right track to reach your weight loss goal. Every day things happen to make us lose focus on what we need to do to be better.

We always want what is not good for us, and when we get it and eat it, we feel guilty later because we know that we have put something in our body that is only going to cause us harm later on down the road. In the workplace, there are many things that can stop us from eating right, such as vending machines that sell sugary snacks that are not good for the body. It is there to be used for everyone's convenience. Some machines sell healthy snacks, and there are vending machines that sell regular food, I know it may be hard to believe, but it is true. From what I've seen, those items are very expensive; you never know just how long it has been in the machine, and I for one do not recommend it to be purchased for consumption.

When working, it is better to bring food from home, or have it prepared, or if there is a salad bar where you can prepare your own salad how you want it would be even better. Adequate rest periods are allowed for meal breaks for one to sit, eat, and relax before returning to work. It is important to stay hydrated when working on any job to keep oxygen flowing to the muscles in your body. Caffeine isn't good, but it will keep you awake when you're sleepy when working. It is better to drink water, it's better for the kidneys to keep them flushed because caffeine can hurt your kidneys because of the sugar that's in it. It is always good to keep a bottle of water on hand just in case one gets thirsty.

Making healthy choices takes lots of will power to stick to. There are lots of temptations out there to make one give in to those temptations; especially if that thing is a favorite, you keep running in to. That is when you have to tell yourself that you no longer crave those things that are not good for you. This is when you start to keep a journal of what your temptations are and avoid them at all costs.

Health and Fitness in the Workplace: It is important to take your days off so that burnout doesn't occur. On those days, try to relax and rest so you will be rejuvenated upon returning to work. While off work, try to catch up on meditating to clear your mind, it will help you find your center and focus. Working can cause wear and tear on the body. It causes us to become tired and fatigued at some point. When that happens, we need to take a vacation just to have some fun, to get away from it all.

We only have one body, so therefore we must take care of it. We only have one life, so we must cherish every moment.

The reason health and fitness are important to me is that I was once small, and now I have gained a little weight, but the thing about it is that I am a short person. It's very uncomfortable to carry this weight on my body frame. I am always tired, but I manage to power walk when I feel up to it. My job consists of a lot of walking, so, therefore I get plenty of exercises. Yes, it gets hard sometimes whenever I have a lot to do, but I know I am burning calories.

Eating fruit is another way to stay healthy. Replacing what's not good for us with fruits and vegetables is a very smart choice to make. Starting anything that you have never done before can be a bit overwhelming in the beginning, but after a while, everything smooths itself out.

Health and fitness go hand in hand. What will you do to start your journey? What will you do to stay positive and focused when temptation comes knocking on your door? How will you react to it? Will you give in, or will you tap into your willpower and stay strong?

Staying healthy and fit in the workplace, and outside of the workplace is very good for everyone. Do what make you feel good; what motivates you to stay healthy.

Looking for a good book to read for the holidays, or to buy as a gift for yourself, or for friends and family? Go to and purchase a copy of my new book, My Life: From the Back Burner by LA' BREA AQUARIA. Check out my Author Page at:

Thank you in advance for your order(s). Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays to you and yours!


When COVID-19 came into our life, the world changed forever. We did not know why it came or what we were doing about it. Lives were being lost all over the world. The CDC came up with rules for our protection against this deadly virus. Social distancing and wearing masks. Lots of businesses closed, food was being limited, things were running out on the shelves in grocery stores. It was terrible. We started wearing masks, having our temperature checked twice a day, filling out papers at work, being tested for COVID and wearing masks in public places. Being placed on curfew at night was something I did not see coming. Things were out of the ordinary. We are still wearing masks, but are they safe? I do not believe they are because people are still catching COVID. Now, what should we think about that? How should we feel knowing that what we wear isn't protecting us? There are vaccines and two booster shots. There's the Omicron strand, and God knows what else is coming, but I hope and pray it will end. There are many different masks that are on the market to buy.

Wearing PPE is also supposed to protect us, but it doesn't simply because I am a witness to that. I wore mine and still became ill after cleaning a room contaminated with COVID. This tells me that nothing is safe in spite matter what we wear. We take a chance every day when we go out into places and even work. Whether masks are worn or not is that person's choice. Just as it is that person's choice whether they get vaccinated or not, a chance is being taken.

We do everything we can to stay safe in the workplace, but tribulations still come, so, all I can say is this: We must still continue to follow the rules that are set in place for us that were put there for our protection. As hard as it may be, it has to be done. Proper handwashing is another factor in staying safe in the workplace and using the proper hand sanitizer that kills germs with a strength of 99.99%, such as Purell. Using Lysol is another way to kill germs. Whatever you use to clean with, make sure it kills germs on contact. We must do everything we can to stay protected. We are in this together.



Wherever we are working we get a thirty-minute lunch break. This is the question I have been wondering about: Is it long enough? What do you think about it? Do you in your own opinion feel that it isn't, or do you feel that it is? In my opinion, it isn't long enough because sometimes while going to the time clock you get stopped for whatever reason to help someone, or to use the bathroom. Bosses never think about that. Depending on where you are coming from, it could be a long, or short walk to get to the time clock to clock out. By the time you make it to where you want to eat, or just relax, half of your time is already gone. This is why I think that a thirty-minute lunch break isn't long enough. You don't have enough time to enjoy your break. There may be something that has happened and they need you, but you are taking your break. You have to stop taking your break to go and see what they need, and there goes your break time down the drain. I am speaking from experience. It is very disrespectful to interrupt someone's break. There should always be someone on standby to take care of things when a person is on their break for lunch. When someone has to leave their break to take care of something for their employer, they should be given extra time to finish their break. No one wants to choke their food down in a rush because they had to leave for whatever reason to take care of something for their boss.
I believe that a lunch break should be an hour long for everyone. It will give everyone time to regroup so they will be better to perform their job. Whether in a workplace, or working from home, nothing should change for the worse, but for the better when it comes to taking a lunch break.
What's your opinion? Leave your thoughts in the comment section. Don't forget to like and follow if you liked this article. Thank you.

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