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LA'Brea A.

Trying to Get It Right

Updated: Feb 9, 2023

I have been working on my new site for three days or more now, and I still haven't learned everything yet. I am still trying to get it right. I suppose when I upgrade it to something better it will work right, and I will be able to do more. I just may have to watch some videos to get a better understanding of how it all works. I will not give up on it. I have invested a tremendous amount of time trying to get it set up properly the way I want it to be. I can truly say that in the near future, it should be perfect and running smoothly. There's so much more I have to do to make it perfect. I know that anything worth having is worth the hard work, perseverance, and dedication.

Just like when we are cooking, or using spices that's not used until the holidays, we want to make sure we get it right. I guess it doesn't matter what we are doing we want to get it right. When I very first started creating my websites, I did not know how to do anything; I worked with it until I figured it out for myself. I did not have anyone to show me what to do. Now, I am doing this. I did it because I knew I needed it. Sink or swim, I will eventually get it right. I believe that in a few months from now, it will be as if I have been using this site forever. Once I get familiar with it, and comfortable with it, it will not be so intimidating. I hope to have things set up so I can sell my books from here, and have a business number so people can contact me directly when they have questions for me to answer. I want to have a large team of people I can trust to help me with things I don't understand on the business side of things. But for now, I am good.

Whenever I first started writing my book it was hard. I had to learn about formatting and lots of other things that goes along with professionally writing something of that magnitude. I did not think I could do it, but I did. I was so proud of what I had accomplished. To this very day I am still proud...I guess I always will be. I got that right, and I will get this right too.

Question: Has there ever been something that you thought you could not do, but you figured it out and got it right? How did it make you feel?

Check out my new book, My Life: From the Back Burner by LA"BREA AQUARIA on

To learn more about why I write, and to visit my Author Page, visit https://amazon,com/author/labrea47aquaria

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