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All Things Are Possible

At times life can be hard, but we feel as though it will never get better. We have to understand that this life is not meant to be easy. We struggle sometimes because it is a part of life. Jesus didn't tell us that every day was going to be easy, He said to be of good courage and to take heart because He has overcome the world. When we think about that concept, we have to understand that trials are going to come, but they come to make us strong.

When we want something right away, we become impatient when we do not get it right then, but God knows what He is doing. We all have to have patience enough to wait on God. Patience is a virtue, and I know it takes time to learn. All things are possible for those who believe. With God all things are possible, but without God, nothing is possible. We must have faith to please God because without faith it is impossible to please God.

We have to pray and believe that we have what we have asked for without doubt. To doubt God is telling Him that you don't trust Him, or believe that He can answer your prayers, or give you what you have asked for. Trusting in God is the best thing to do. Who else can we trust? Who else can we ask things of? We have a Father in Heaven who loves us unconditionally. He only wants what's best for us, and to give us the desires of our heart. When we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us. We must have a relationship with God, He is our Father, our Creator, and our Everything.

He will never leave us nor forsake us. He will be with us until the very end of time. Just to let you know, He is coming back again. God bless you.🙏🏾🌺

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I am Shaunelius, and I have been in ministry for eight years. I have five beautiful children and a beautiful grandson. I love sharing God's Word. I enjoy giving inspiration. I enjoy spending time with those I love. 

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