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Bible Quiz: Was the 20th Century Unique?

Updated: Jun 21

I have always wanted to do a Bible Quiz post. I think it will help people get closer to God by studying the Word in this form. So, let’s dive in and see what we will learn today.

  1. Does God foresee in advance the rise and fall of nations and empires? Has He determined the timing of such things in advance? Acts 17:26.

  2. Did God have a master plan in effect from the very beginning? Isaiah 46:10.

  3. Will God intervene in human affairs without revealing it to His servants? Amos 3:7.

  4. Were certain prophecies for the future to be sealed until the time of the end? Daniel 12:4.

  5. What did Daniel say characterized human activity at the end of time? How would it be different from earlier times in human history? Daniel 12:4. (Note: Automobiles and airplanes have revolutionized transportation in this century while printing, radio, television and computers have contributed to a knowledge explosion.)

  6. Did Christ say that in the end time, life on earth would be annihilated were it not for God’s intervention? Matthew 24:22. Was such annihilation even possible prior to the building and proliferation of atomic and nuclear weapons? (Note: Despite extensive disarming and the dismantling of nuclear weaponry by the United States and Russia following the breakup of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, nuclear arms continue to proliferate. Whereas a single Soviet Union posed a threat, at least four separate governments among the former Soviet states now pose that threat. Seven other nations-the United Kingdom, France, India, Pakistan, Israel, North Korea, and China are considered to be nuclear powers.)

  7. Will the same Gospel of the Kingdom of God that Jesus Christ preached go into all nations at the end time just before His return? Matthew 24:14

  8. How did the Apostle Paul describe the state of society in the “last days”? 2 Timothy 3:1-5.

  9. To what other time period did Jesus Christ compare the state of society right before His return? Matthew 24:37. What filled the earth at that earlier time period?Genesis 6:11.

  10. Did Christ say whether or not it would be possible to tell the general time period leading up to His return as King of Kings? Matthew 24:32-33.

You do not have to do all of these questions in one setting unless you want to. God bless you.

I pray that God will speak to you through His Word. I pray that if you have not talked to Jesus today, set aside some time to do so. He is waiting to hear from you. He is waiting to give you a new life in Him for all eternity. Think about this question: Where do you want to spend eternity? Will you be ready when He returns?

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