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Don’t Be Double-Minded

You may want to ask me what being double-minded is, well let me tell you. It is saying you believe, but unsure of what you believe. A double-minded man is unstable in all of his ways. When you say you have faith and then doubt, that’s being double-minded. You are either going to believe in something, or someone, or you are not going to believe in anything, you will always be straddling the fence with your faith.

Don’t be like the man who built his house on the sand, and when the wind and waves blew against it, it was a great destruction because it was not built on a sure foundation, and that sure foundation is Jesus Christ. He is who we build our faith upon. He helps us to stand strong when we are being tossed by the angry sea of life and all of the waves that crash against us.

Even when we are facing situations, the storms of life, we can stand on the Word of God because it will never fail. It is living and breathing words of life that God gave us to live by everyday of our lives. I know that we sometimes fall short, more so than not, but we have it always near us in our hearts and mind to think on it and to use it when we need it. To be honest, we need it every day.

We don’t want to be double-minded any time. We need to have our mind focused on Jesus Christ so when storms do come we will know that we are not alone. We will know that He is there to protect us through it all. We want to be like the man who built his house on the sure foundation with depth and stability, so when the wind and rain comes, our house will not fall, in other words our faith will keep us from falling. When we are rooted and grounded in the Word of God our faith becomes stronger everyday. We do not have to fear the known, or the unknown because Jesus is with us.

Being double-minded makes your faith weak. It causes you to doubt God and it isn’t good to doubt God, or His Word because all of His Words are true. God is a good God and to doubt Him is dangerous. Doubting God is saying that you don’t trust Him, it is like spitting in His face! Even questioning God is wrong because God doesn’t make mistakes, we do. God is not a man that He should lie, but all of His promises are yes, and Amen. His mercies are new every morning. The love He has for us will never end, it will last for all eternity. He will do just what He said. He will be with us even until the end of the age.

So, why would anyone want to be double-minded after what Jesus Christ did for all of us out on Calvary? He didn’t have to do it but He did. Who are we to be double-minded people when He shed His precious blood for us? Who are we to be a stiff-necked generation when He took the nails that we deserved for us? Who are we to complain about anything when He was beaten all night long for our past, present, and future sins, all of our sicknesses, and diseases, and for all of our shortcomings? Just who do we think that we are? I will tell you who we are. We are selfish people who are loved by a Holy God! We are greedy people who are loved by a Holy God! We are all sinners saved by grace who are loved by a holy God! That is who we are! We should be ashamed of ourselves for being an undercover brood of vipers! When I say “we”, I am talking about every human being who are not saved, and those who are saved, but fit the bill. They know who they are, not judging anyone, but just telling the plain truth like it or not. God already knows everyone on this whole entire planet, and He knows exactly how we are and can be. But nevertheless, we do not have to be like that. Jesus loves us just as we are, but we should want to do better, get our lives right, and live for Him. One at every nation and tongue will have to stand before Him. Will you be ready? Will you be ready to stand before the Lord on the day of judgement? Think about this question, and don’t be double-minded about it. Jesus loves you. Choose who you will serve for all eternity.

As always, every word written is written in love. Until next time, stay in prayer, stay in faith, and take the name of Jesus with you. Amen.

Shaunelius L. Sterns, Pastor

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I am Shaunelius, and I have been in ministry for eight years. I have five beautiful children and a beautiful grandson. I love sharing God's Word. I enjoy giving inspiration. I enjoy spending time with those I love. 

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