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Fruits & Veggies

Looking at all of this beautiful bounty of fruits and vegetables helps me to know that I can eat these things and feel good about myself because I know God created them all. Isn't it wonderful to know that our Heavenly Father knows what's best for us. It is wonderful to know that He wants us to be healthy and strong, and in good shape. He created all of these veggies, and fruits that are good for our bodies as well as our wellbeing.

We may not always like how a fruit, or vegetable taste, but it is still good for us. Our bodies need the nutrients from fruits and vegetables to keep us strong. There are different ways we can have fruits and vegetables, just look at the pictures above, don't they give you different ideas as to how to prepare them so you don't have to eat them the same way all of the time?

Juicing fruits and vegetables are another good way to prepare fruits and vegetables. They can be eaten raw, or cooked. Stirfrying is another way you can prepare vegetables, fruits and vegetables can be grilled, steamed, boiled, broiled, or turned into a salad, or just be eaten by themselves.

Fruit shakes are always good to drink on a warm day to stay cool, and they can be even better when vegetable juice is added to them.

Fruit salad is another healthy way to have fruits, you can add vegetables with it, or just have the vegetables on the side, or some vegetable juice to wash the salad down. It's a win, win situation, and your body will thank you for it.

God wants us to be healthy and to take care of ourselves. We only get one body to live in on this earth. We have to take care of ourselves if we want to have full long lives. We have to eat right. I know that things are high and expensive, but who wants to put a price on their health and wellbeing? Sometimes we have to spend a little more if we want to buy the best foods and vegetables that are good for us. We can't keep putting cheap food in our bodies like cheap fast food. It's greasy and full of calories that could clog our arteries and cause damage to our hearts.

Going to the Farmers Markets are the best way to find fresh local fruits and vegetables. Growing your own garden of fruits and vegetables is one way to save money, so what you don't plant you can buy.

When we read the Bible, God tells us want we can and can't eat and why. We must pay close attention when we are reading because we could miss something important if we don't. God knows everything. We just have to ask and wait for Him to answer us. Everything we need to know about living , eating, and staying healthy is in the Bible, God's Holy Word.

Remember sisters, brothers, and friends, we must eat healthy to be healthy. We cannot eat junk and expect to be healthy, but we can eat fruits, vegetables, drink fruit and vegetable smoothies, and exercise to get fit and stay in shape. Last but not least, we have to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated to keep from being dehydrated. With that being said, to your health. God bless you.

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