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God’s 7,000-Year Plan

Does God have an actual time plan? If so, can we know where we are today in the overall scope of that plan? Genesis 1-2 shows God‘s creation pattern of six workdays followed by a day of rest. This pattern was passed on to a man (Exodus 20:8-1). Also, the Bible includes much information in its genealogies and lists of kings that allow us to estimate the length of some time periods to within a few years, though the fact that many periods of time are rounded to the nearest year makes exact dating difficult if not impossible.

Christ Himself said He did not know the day or the hour, of His return ( Mark 13:32). Furthermore until we see the abomination of desolation (Matthew 24:15) we know that at least three-and-a-half years remain before Christ’s return. Even so, your Bible reveals approximately how many years have passed since Adam’s creation, which should encourage us as we follow Christ’s command to “Watch” for the signs of His return ( Matthew 24:42).

Quiz Questions 1-10

  1. What attitude did the Apostle Peter say many people would exhibit in the last days? 2 Peter 3:3-4.

2. Is God careless or indifferent concerning His promises and their timing, or does He have a time plan? 2 Peter 3:8-9. Are the “days” in God’s prophetic plan 1000 years in duration?

3. Is the right of the Messiah and the saints upon the earth to be for a period of 1,000 years? Revelation 20:1-6.

4. Does Isaiah compare the time of the Messiah’s rule to a Millennial “test” (Sabbath)? Isaiah 14:3, 7; Hebrews 4:1-11. Based upon the pattern God reveals in Genesis 1, would we expect a millennial Sabbath to be preceded by six 1,000-year “days” God has given to man?

5. We can estimate how many years have elapsed since mankind’s creation. To begin, 1,660 years passed between Adam’s creation and the Flood. (Note: Genesis 5:3 shows that Adam was 130 when Seth was born. Add up the age of each patriarch at the birth of his son, plus the age of Noah at the time of the flood. Since the numbers don’t include fractional years, the result will be an approximation).

6. Does Genesis 11:10-32 show that around 420 to 430 years passed between the Flood and the death of Terah, which was the time that Abram left Haran (cf. Acts 7:4)? Was Abram 75 years of age when he left Haran? Genesis 12:4.

7. How old was Abraham when God made the covenant of circumcision with him? Genesis 17:1-10. Had 24 years passed since he left Haran? (Note: A careful comparison of Genesis 12:4 with Genesis 17:1 will reveal the length of time between Abraham’s departure from Haran and the covenant).

8. According to Galatians 3:16-17, how many years passed between the time of the covenant with Abraham and the Sinai covenant, which was the year of the Exodus? (cf. Exodus 12:40).

9. How many years passed between the Exodus and the fourth year of King Solomon when the temple was begun? 1 Kings 6:1. (Note: Most scholars using secular records date the fourth year of Solomon to approximately 966 BC).

10. When you add all of these periods together, did nearly 4,000 years pass before Jesus’ eathly ministry, almost 2,000 years of mankind’s self-rule are nearly over, and the thousand-year Millennium will soon be here?

I hope you have enjoyed spending time in the Word of God and getting closer to Him through studying His Word of life. God bless you.🙏🏾

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