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Hopes and Dreams: Today in the Word

Hopes and Dreams

Friday, July 19 | Genesis 40:1–23

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Have you ever had your hopes raised, followed by a quick and crushing disappointment? Perhaps you were counting on a job promotion that went to someone else. Or your application for a loan was denied. Most of us have! That is why it is so easy for us to relate to Joseph’s story.

Joseph had been falsely accused and imprisoned. Yet in prison, he flourished. The warden recognized Joseph’s abilities and gave him many responsibilities (Gen. 39:22–23). Genesis 40 opens with the line, “Some time later” (v. 1). We don’t know how long Joseph was in prison, but his total time of slavery and imprisonment was about 13 years. Much as Abraham and Sarah waited years for a child, Joseph had to wait years to see how God would fulfill His promise to Abraham through him.

In prison, Joseph met the former cupbearer and baker for Pharaoh (v. 1). Each one had a dream that troubled them (v. 8). Dream interpretation was a complex process in the ancient world. Joseph knew better. He told them, “Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell me your dreams” (v. 8). Through his God-given ability, he interpreted the dreams of both men. He affirmed that the cupbearer would be restored to his position while the baker would be executed (vv. 13, 18).

The story is full of dramatic tension. Joseph had finally found a way to escape his life in prison. He begged the cupbearer, “Remember me and show me kindness; mention me to Pharaoh and get me out of this prison” (v. 14). But the passage ends on a despairing note: “The chief cupbearer, however, did not remember Joseph” (v. 20). We can imagine the crushing disappointment as Joseph waited day after day for release. But the suffering of Joseph would end up being a blessing not only for Egypt but also for the “saving of many lives” (Gen. 50:20).

Go Deeper

Have you experienced times when a door closed unexpectedly? Have you ever seen God use a disappointing answer in a positive way?

Pray with Us: Lord God, thank You for all the lessons we’ve been learning in Genesis. Thank You that the story of Joseph’s disappointments ends in huge blessings. Holy Spirit, give us strength to trust God amid our own disappointments.

I wait for the LORD, my whole being waits, and in his word I PUT MY


Psalm 130:5

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