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Never Give Up On God

Life is hard sometimes. Most times we don't know what is going to happen one minute to the next. We take our hits, and we lick our wounds, but the pain doesn't last forever. Sometimes we feel like we want to give up, but most of all we can not give up on God.

I know that we may feel like He isn’t listening to us when we are praying to Him, but He is. I know we want our answers right then but God doesn't work that way. He does things in His period that is different from ours. His timing is always perfect.

We certainly cannot give up on ourselves. We cannot give up just because we have dark days. Even in the times of trials, we cannot give up on God. When we are going through something that’s causing us stress, depression, anxiety, and heartache, we can go to God in prayer and leave it all at His feet.

We can trust God. We can not give up on God, and He will not give up on us.

No matter what we are facing in life, we have to know that troubles don't last always. Joy will come in the morning. The sun will shine in your life again. Trials come to make us strong but during that time we can learn to be patient. This is where our faith grows strong. This is where we can rely on Jesus, we can trust God to always be here for us.

Jesus came to show us the love of the Father and to die for our sins. He did not give up on us regardless of the things He knew we would, and would not do. Real love never gives up, it preserves, and it stands strong in tough circumstances. Let us hold on to God, and never let go of His hands. He will never give up on us, so let us always remember the sacrifice Jesus made because He didn't give up on us through the pain that He went through, and we cannot ever give up on Him. If you have not talked to Him today about your salvation, call on His name. He is waiting to hear from you.

May God bless you, and may He smile in your direction. Until we meet again, have a blessed week.

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I am Shaunelius, and I have been in ministry for eight years. I have five beautiful children and a beautiful grandson. I love sharing God's Word. I enjoy giving inspiration. I enjoy spending time with those I love. 

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