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Numbers 1:1-54-Message

Last week I posted the Scriptures for Numbers. This book is in the Old Testament. Moses is giving instructions as God is telling him what to do concerning everyone and their tasks and burdens concerning the Tabernacle.

God is the God of order and instruction concerning what He wants, and how He wants things done. He tells them what to do in order of the families and the tribes of Israel. God is building an army of strong soldiers who He knows will not back out on Him when it comes to fighting the battles that need to be fought.

Throughout the Bible, we can see that God has never lost a battle that has been fought. God always reigns victorious.


God knows that we all will have battles that we will have to fight. Sometimes we experience things that tear us apart on the inside and hurt us to the core of our souls, but we do not have to fight that battle alone. Whatever battle we are facing, and whatever circumstance plagues us, God will help us fight those battles. We do not have to fight those battles alone, we need only to be still and let Him fight for us. God is all-powerful. He only needs to speak a word and it will be all over. Everything we are battling will be wiped out.

When we take time to understand this truth, we will never worry about anything because we know that God is with us just as He was with them to protect them and fight their battles, and He will do the same thing for us, we need only to trust Him and have faith in Him because without faith it is impossible to please God.

We can place everything concerning ourselves and all that we face in our lives in the hands of God. Who are you trusting right now? Who are you placing your faith in? Who are you turning to to fight your battles for you? Who are you trusting to be there for you when you need them? Who can you call on when you need a friend that sticks closer than a brother? Who can you call when every door has been slammed in your face? Who can open every door that no man that no man can shut? God is the answer to all of these questions we have. Turn to God and let Him fight your battles for you. We are never alone in anything we go through. Our battles are already won! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

God loves us too much to leave us to fight alone. He loves us too much to leave us in the wilderness afraid. He sent His One and only Son, Jesus Christ to lay down His life for our sins. He sacrificed Himself for us so we could be made righteous before God, so we could be called His sons and daughters. We were bought at a price. That price was the shedding of His blood. He took all of our sins upon Himself for us. He said, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do,” Even on the Cross He made things right. He forgave us for every sin that we would ever commit! We were not there at Calvary, but our sins were. Everything that we would ever do wrong was. He made sure His mother had someone to take care of her. If that isn’t love then I don’t know what is. That is real love, true love that lasts forever. The love God has for us will never end, it will endure forever.

Even when everything passes away, His Word will always remain. I want you to think about this: Will we be ready when He returns? Will we be ready to stand before Him in judgment? If not, I highly suggest that repentance be in order. Repent, turn, and be baptized for the remission of your sins. God will give you a new life in Him. It will be the best decision you will ever make in your life for your eternal life. Where do you want to spend eternity? Do you want to burn, or do you want to live forever for all eternity? The choice is yours. You have to make that choice yourself; no one can make it for you. You are the one who is going to have to face God on your own. No one can face Him for you. Work out your salvation with fear and trembling because only God can save you from eternal damnation. God loves you so much. He sent His Son into this world so that the world might be saved through Him. He came that we may have life and life more abundantly. The enemy came to steal, kill, and destroy anything and everything concerning God, and those of us who live for Him, and those who will live for Him. If not be deceived as Eve was in the Garden of Eden. Do not doubt God because all of His words are true. Everything He does is right and just. God doesn't make mistakes. Take these words to heart and let them transform your mind. God loves all of us, but all I can say is repent of your sins and come to God, accept Jesus Christ, believe, and be baptized to wash away your sins. Don’t wait until it's too late because you may not have another chance to repent. Tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone. Do not harden your hearts as in the day of provocation. Do not be like the world is, or love the things of the world. Do not continue to be God’s enemy. All of His enemies will be destroyed in the end in the lake of fire. Is that where you want to be? Is that where you want to spend eternity!? Eternity is forever. It never ends. Come to Jesus and live. He is the bread of life. He is the balm in Gilead. He is the bright morning star. He is the Rose of Sharon. He is everything and more than our minds can fathom.

This message has been in my heart for some time now, but I had to wait for the right time to share it. I hope you all understand that these words are spoken in love, not hate. God doesn't want anyone to perish. God gave me a heart for souls. He gave me a loving caring heart for all people. He chose me to share His Word all around the world. If I can lead one person to Christ, I know I have made God happy. I know that the angels are celebrating in Heaven over one sinner who has chosen to follow the Lord. We are His children, but some are lost in the world because they have been brainwashed and deceived into believing that God doesn't love them, that is a lie from the pits of hell. God loves us more than anyone else ever could.

It breaks my heart to know that people are being deceived every day. One day it is going to be too late. It is going to be too late to come to Christ because He will be here to make things new again. There will not be time to start over. It will not be time to forgive. It will not be time to do anything more. Do it today while the blood is still running warm in your veins. While it is still called today, come to Jesus, repent, and live.


Thank You, God, for everyone who will take these words to heart. Thank you for allowing me to share Your message with everyone. Thank You for every day You have blessed us to see. Thank You for Your love, mercy, grace, and forgiveness even though we don’t deserve it. Thank You for always providing and making a way where there seems to be no way. Thank You, Jesus, for sacrificing Your life for us on Calvary. You didn't have to do it but you did. You could have called on ten thousand legions of angels to take You from the cross, but You didn't because You did what You were sent to do You finished the work You were sent here to do. Thank You, Jesus, You are our Mighty King who is coming back again! Praise God, Praise God! Halijuah! Thank You, God, for being who You are in me. It is because of You that I have my life, I am still here because of Your life, mercy, grace, compassion, and forgiveness! Thank You, God, Thank You, Jesus! Without You, we would be nothing because You are everything! You are the Most High God! You are Magnificent in everything that You do! My heart and soul rejoice in You because of who You are! I will praise You all of my days! Glory! Honor! Praise and Worship all belong to You, God! In Jesus' Mighty Name, I Pray Amen, Amen! Amen!🙏🏾❤️

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