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Opened Doors

Have you ever looked at closed doors and wondered what was behind them? Whether the doors were glass, wood, metal, or doors with bars, did you ever want to walk through those doors? If so, I am sure you are not the only one.

Sometimes I wonder what is behind all of the closed doors in the world, and who owned them. Well, I know someone who can open closed doors that no man can shut. I know that closed doors can become opened doors that have blessings behind them just waiting for the person they belong to to walk through that door and receive them.

I walked into a familiar door yesterday and received a blessing that was waiting just for me. I received every blessing there that was offered, and given to me. God had it all planned out. He went before me and poured me a blessing so big that all I could do was praise Him.

Having mustard-seed faith works just as well as having years of faith. Mustard-seed faith moves mountains. Trusting God causes miracles to happen, and believing God shows Him that we trust Him.

I will always trust God. He will never fail me. He will always keep his promises. I cannot wait to see where God is going to lead me next. I cannot wait to see all of the blessings and miracles He is going to work in my life. God is good. I love Him so much, more than words can say. Not because of what He does, but because of who He is. His mercies are new every morning. His grace is sufficient for us, and His love is forever and ever. It will never end. He is so amazing! He is an awesome God, mighty and powerful! Who is like our God? Nobody. Who is like our Lord? Nobody! He is and always has been, and always be the One True Living God! He is everything we could ever hope for. He is everything to us and more. He is God and God alone, the Creator of heaven and earth, and every living being on this planet.

All I can say is GLORY TO GOD FOREVER!!! Amen!🙏🏾🕊️❤️💕

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I am Shaunelius, and I have been in ministry for eight years. I have five beautiful children and a beautiful grandson. I love sharing God's Word. I enjoy giving inspiration. I enjoy spending time with those I love. 

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