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Sharing God’s Message To The World

Looking at this picture knowing that God spoke everything into being is mind-blowing. Everything was vast and dark before He said “Let there be.” Let’s think about that for a moment. The Bible tells us in Genesis that God created the heavens and the Earth. It was void and, darkness covered everything. God spoke and everything changed. Everything obeyed His voice. He placed everything where it was supposed to be. Everything exists because He spoke it into being.

We have God’s Word with us in our hearts, and we have the Bible to read every day. He gave us His 66 books to share with a lost and dying world so everyone could come to know Him through the prophets, and through His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus chose 12 disciples to spread the Gospel, but one denied Him 3 times, one betrayed Him, and one doubted Him, but He still chose Peter to preach the Gospel. Peter is the only one who was crucified just as Jesus was, but He wanted his head to the ground because he felt he was not worthy to die like his Savior. Jesus told Peter how he would die. He told him the form of a parable so he would comprehend what manner of death he would die. They all were killed except John, who wrote the Book of Revelation. He was exiled to the Island of Patmos. They all had a part in sharing the Gospel. In the end, when Jesus rose before He ascended back into heaven, He gave them and us the Great Commission.

We are to do just that. We have many ways to spread the Gospel all around the world. There’s social media if you can’t travel. We have our mobile devices, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Wix, WordPress, and so many more websites to share and receive the Word of God. There isn’t any reason for the Word of God not to be shared. There are Bible Apps of every kind almost in every language. Zoom is another way to share the Word. Church is another way to hear the Word being preached. There are different podcasts. My Podcast is Food for the Soul. It can be found on Spotify.

Click on these links to go and listen to my podcasts. There is more to listen to. I hope you enjoy them. God bless you.

Now, I know that sometimes you may have other things to do, and so do I, but I try to set aside a few minutes in the morning, or before I go to bed and share a few Scriptures. This way I know I have done what God wants me to do. Even if one person sees what I have shared and comes to know Jesus Christ as their Savior, then all is well. I know that Heaven is rejoicing over that one lost sheep who returned home to live for God and follow Jesus.

May you all be blessed. Stay safe. Until next time, share God’s Word all around the world.🌏

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I am Shaunelius, and I have been in ministry for eight years. I have five beautiful children and a beautiful grandson. I love sharing God's Word. I enjoy giving inspiration. I enjoy spending time with those I love. 

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