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Today’s Verse: Psalm 138:2

I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy loving-kindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.

It is good to praise the Lord because He has done great and marvelous things for us. He is worthy to be praised and adored. He is the Creator of everything. How can we not praise Him?

When we look at everything around us, we know that man could not have created the trees, the grass, the flowers, the water, and every living creature great and small, Only God.

The Creator, God is wonderful, Judy, true, and holy. We should sing songs of praise to our God. He is the reason we are alive on this side of heaven. He is our everything because everything belongs to Him, so therefore being joint heirs with Jesus, we have everything we need. We need only to ask in faith according to His will, but we cannot doubt God. We must have the courage to believe that God will answer all of our prayers and bless us in His own way.

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I am Shaunelius, and I have been in ministry for eight years. I have five beautiful children and a beautiful grandson. I love sharing God's Word. I enjoy giving inspiration. I enjoy spending time with those I love. 

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