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Celebrating Easter is Celebrating The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

When we were very young we really didn't know why we celebrated Easter. We looked forward to getting dressed up to get our Easter baskets, and receiving all of the sweets that were in them. We looked forwards to going on Easter egg hunts and winning prizes for finding the most eggs. Those times were fun. I miss those times. I always looked forward to going to church singing and listening to the sermon the preacher gave.

Now that I am an adult, I know the real meaning of celebrating Easter. We celebrate Easter because we are celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Savior. Yes, all of the decorations are pretty, getting dressed up, having fun, and making memories, but the most beautiful thing to know is that Jesus is alive! He is alive forever and His Kingdom will never end.

We really don't think about Easter until it is almost here. So, does that mean we forget about what Jesus has done? I do not think so. I think that we remember, but we don't look at it as celebrating what happened. It is important to remember everything because we have to share it with our children so they can pass it on to their children.

If we celebrated Easter every day there would not be anything to look forward to on Easter. God knows that there are those who do not celebrate the resurrection of His Son because they don't know Him, or want to get to know Him because they don't believe. Throughout the year, let us remind ourselves that Jesus is alive and His Spirit lives in us. It is because of His sacrifice that we have been reconciled back to God. We are His sons and daughters and no longer His enemies.

I thank God for Jesus. We would be in a terrible fix had He not came into this world and died for our sins that we may live through Him. We live because He lives.

If you have not talked to Jesus today, take some time and pour your heart out to Him. He is waiting to hear from you. Happy Easter! God bless you.😇

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I am Shaunelius, and I have been in ministry for eight years. I have five beautiful children and a beautiful grandson. I love sharing God's Word. I enjoy giving inspiration. I enjoy spending time with those I love. 

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