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Holding On To God’s Unchanging Hand

I am sitting here thinking about everything that God has done for me. I am thinking about how He has brought me from where I was to where I am now. I am thinking about how He has saved my life more times than I can count, and I am thinking about how God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

You may wonder why I am speaking the way I am speaking. I am speaking this way because God has changed my life for the better. He has changed my spirit from how it once was. He has changed the way that I think and see things. He has made me new all over again. See, this is what happens when we hold on to God’s unchanging hand.

God knows what’s best for us. He knows everything about us. He knows what all of our hopes, wishes, dreams, and desires are. He knows how many hairs we all have in our heads. When we hold on to God’s unchanging hand, we can do anything that is right in His eyes. We do not have to worry about tomorrow or what it will bring. We do not have to worry about what we will eat or drink because He has already provided those things for us. We do not have to worry about what we will put on our bodies, or on our feet because He already has that taken care of as well. We do not have to worry if the sun will shine, if it will rain, if it will snow, or hail, or sleet because He has all of that under control. Everything God has in His hands He is in control of, and that includes everything and everyone on this earth.

When we hold on to God’s unchanging hand, we do not have to worry about the enemy trying to take us down. God protects us. He protects us by fighting the enemy for us, He fights all of our battles for us, we only have to be still. God is all-powerful, all-knowing, omniscient, and omnipresent. He is everywhere all of the time. He is always with us.

I know sometimes it seems like He isn't there when we can't feel His presence, but He is. Sometimes we may feel alone, but we are not. We were not created to love being on this earth, but while we are here we must trust that God knows that we need Him. We must trust and know that one day He is coming back to take us home to be with Him. Our Spirit longs to be with our Father in Heaven, but while we are waiting we can rejoice! We can rejoice because He loves us! We can rejoice in God because His Spirit dwells in our hearts. We can rejoice because we serve a risen Savior who defeated Satan, and the grave! We have a lot of reasons to rejoice in God and to always hold on to His unchanging hand. Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice!

I pray in the name of Jesus that this message will touch your hearts and inspire you to rejoice in God and to hold on to His unchanging hand. Trust in God. I pray that whatever you are facing, whatever you are going through, and whatever the circumstances may be you will give it all to God and let Him take care of it as only He can. All glory, praise, and honor be given to God. In Jesus’ name Amen. Have a blessed weekend.

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I am Shaunelius, and I have been in ministry for eight years. I have five beautiful children and a beautiful grandson. I love sharing God's Word. I enjoy giving inspiration. I enjoy spending time with those I love. 

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