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Living In A Fallen World

In the beginning everything wasn't perfect until God spoke everything into being. Before sin came into the world, there was harmony and peace, and God was in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve had everything they could think of that was good, but eventually all of that changed because of the mistake Eve and Adam made and the world was filled with sin and darkness; nothing was beautiful anymore because of sin. I don't understand why Adam listened to Eve, and I don't know why Eve listened to the serpent. Their sin separated them from God, and separated us from God until Jesus came and died for our sins and rose again on the third day. We are no longer separated from God because of what Jesus did.

Sin is still in the world. We are living in a fallen world filled with sin and darkness, destruction, sickness, calamity, death, wars, plagues, and earthquakes, and famine. Sin caused all of this. How do we live in a fallen world? We live in this fallen world because of Jesus Christ our Savior and King. We keep our eyes focused on Him and trust and believe in God. We who are saved doesn't have anything to worry about because we know who fights our battles for us. We can be confident in knowing that God is on our side in all circumstances. He is the One who gives us the strength to stay strong no matter what is going on in the world. Yes, there are times when we are afraid of things but we can't let the fear stop us from believing in Gos. We can't let fear keep us from trusting that God will make everything alright.

When we think about the disciples, they were afraid of the storm that was raging around them . They thought they saw a ghost walking on the water, but it was Jesus. He told them not to be afraid. Look at what Peter did. He climbed out of the boat and started walking to Jesus, but he started to sink when he looked at the storm and took his eyes off Jesus, but Jesus pulled him up from the water and they walked to the boat and got in. Jesus calmed the storm just by saying, "Peace be still.".

This is what we have to do when the storms of life are raging around us and we feel like we are sinking, we must call out to Jesus to save us from the mess we are in. Sin is destructive and dangerous, but God is Mighty To Save! Even when sin destroys relationships, God can repair that relationship. We have to trust God even though we are living in a world filled with sin , death, and everything else that follows it. When Jesus returns we will no longer have to live in a fallen world because He is going to make all things new. We must wait and be patient until that day comes. Whether it be in this lifetime or not, He is coming back. Everyone who calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved. Amen.😇✝️🙏🏾

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