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The Leaning Tree

Have you ever had to lean on someone because you felt like everything was falling apart? How did you feel about that? Sometimes we all lean on our family and friends to help us make it through the hard times we are facing, but what we fail to realize is that they may be leaning on someone themselves.

Look at the tree in this picture, you can plainly see that it is leaning on the other trees, and there are trees that are not leaning on anything, but are leaning on their own. None of these trees are straight, they all have some kind of disability, but yet and still they are rooted and grounded in the soil where they are growing and flourishing.

Just like us, living trees, the leaning tree is always the first to fall. Just because we need something, or someone to lean on, it doesn't mean we are on our way down. It only means that we need stability and the strength to stand on our own. Many times we get knocked down but we don't stay down, we get right back up even if we need help getting back up; there's nothing wrong with that. Everyone needs a helping hand at some point in life. We lean on our parents, and grandparents, aunts and uncles, and even our cousins, sisters, and brothers, but the main One we can always lean on is God. Family members and friends eventually pass away and we have to learn to lean on God. God will always be there for us to lean on whenever we are going through things that knock us down. We need someone to lean on when we lose someone we love, God is that someone to lean on. We need someone to lean on when we lose a job, God is that someone to lean on. Family and friends are temporary, but God is forever. People, it doesn't matter how old, or how young we are, we all need a friend to lean on, and God is that friend who sticks closer to you than a brother. So the next time you see a tree leaning, don't be quick to think that the tree is going to fall, it may be the one everything is leaning on. God bless you. Have a wonderful Mother's Day 😇

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I am Shaunelius, and I have been in ministry for eight years. I have five beautiful children and a beautiful grandson. I love sharing God's Word. I enjoy giving inspiration. I enjoy spending time with those I love. 

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