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Why Do People Steal From Others?

What I don't understand is why people steal from others. Someone used my information and made Bitcoin purchases and a cell phone purchase. I have never experienced anything like this before. God’s Word says this in the Ten Commandments, Thou Shalt Not Steal. I feel violated. I reported it, but I don't know how to deal with this emotionally. I am very angry!😡 I would never do that to anyone! This is not fair to me because it is going to ruin my credit. What is wrong with people when they do those things to others? I guess they feel like they have gotten away with it, but what they fail to realize is that God knows who they are and where they are. It Is going to come back on them one day because what goes around comes around. Carma is real. I forgive them. I can't hold a grudge, but I can pray and ask God to deal with them in His way and let them know they were wrong.

Everything I have I work for. I have never taken anything that didn't belong to me. When someone steals from you it makes you not trust others. It makes you skeptical about even shopping online because it makes you feel like someone is out to steal from you. Back in the day, I would not have been quick to forgive, but being who I am and who I serve, I have to be the bigger person. I have to set an example and show God’s love even to those who hurt me.

One part of me wants to scream, but the other part of me feels like singing, and I don't know why. I suppose it is God’s way of telling me to shout it out and sing to Him so I will feel better.

I know it will be a while before I shop online again because I can't trust people when it comes to shopping online.

Stealing is a bad habit that people need to break themselves from doing. It will only land you in prison and jail, or six feet underground. When you experience the first two, you are given a chance to start over, but when the third one happens there is no coming back from that; it is done, gone forever. So, think about the consequences of your actions. Until next time, May God bless you.

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