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Meditation Exercise

Click on the link above to see this meditation video. To your inner peace.🕊️

I enjoy doing these meditations because they help me release stress and anything that’s bothering me. It is a way to take care of your inner self and to free your mind of worries.

I know meditation may not be for everyone, but it does help. When you just want to be peaceful, it is good to meditate. It is good because you can connect with yourself on a deeper level of tranquility.

There are so many things going on every day that could leave us distraught, in disbelief, and confused, but when we meditate, we can remove all of that negative chaos from our minds. We don't have to carry that around with us to let it continue to plague our minds and make us feel bad. We can just let it go.

I am going through something similar right now because of something that was said about me that’s not true. It has hurt me deeply. I am still mad, angry, and upset about it. I am trying to meditate and let it go. It's hard though, but if I keep meditating it will eventually go away.🌺

I hope you will enjoy the video. Peace ✌️ and love.❤️

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