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Moving Forward in the New Year

This month has flown by. We are getting ready to move into February Black History Month. What I want to talk about is self-discovery. We discover things about ourselves that we didn't know about, such as different gifts and talents. Things that we suddenly learn how to do. We get new ideas that we never thought of before. We learn to appreciate ourselves, and love ourselves more because our eyes have been opened up to new things. We start thinking about our future and how we want it to be. We think about what kind of legacy we want to leave for people to remember us.

Self-discovery can happen at any given moment in our lives. We have to be aware of ourselves because we change from one day to the next. We have to understand that we will change as we get older, but this is when we become set in our ways. Self-discovery is good. I have discovered things about myself that I didn't know until it just happened. I never thought I would create my first website and blog. I never thought that this would be something I would enjoy doing. I have discovered that I enjoy giving advice and helping others. I never thought I would go back to school, but I am. Self-discovery can happen at any age. Do not be afraid of change because change is good even though it can be scary sometimes. Change, self-discovery, and growth are something we will experience at some point in life, but we have to take it one day at a time. Embrace change and growth don't be afraid of it. What is something that you have discovered about yourself that you never thought you would? How did you feel about it?

The Ice Breaker for Today is Self-Discovery. What is the one message or lesson you would want to share with the world and why? Feel free to leave your answers in the comments section. Feel free to visit the forum and leave them there to start a conversation. Be as vocal as you like but in a respectful way. See you next time. Stay warm.

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